
blue_skyPhotograph © Yuhu Tama

As I walk back home, I notice that my clenched palm is desperately trying to retain the warmth of your touch. The cool breeze brushes across my skin like a wave, flashing me with images of moments we had just spent together. I take my place on a bench to reflect.

The long walk in the woods had been perfect. I remember how the little squirrels  scampered away at the sound of our laughter. I realize that I haven’t  laughed that much in a long while.

As the evening exiled the sun, I had embraced the darkness as your fingers began to trace the contour of mine. I recall how the touch of your cool fingers had spread ripples of  warm delight through me. As I relive that moment, a smile dawns on my face.

I see that the gravity of your personality could easily warp time. What felt like just a short while had turned out to be hours, in reality. I wonder how one person could be this interesting. A small voice begins to emerge from within me. “How long will this last?”, it whispers. I look at the crescent moon shining dimly above. Soon, it would be its time to fade into darkness. I feel lost without an answer.

Every breath I take echoes, within me, the fact that the time I have with you could be limited. The cool breeze begins to turn into a chill. Unsettled and Bewildered, I stand up and slowly walk back home, trying to calm the storm that has started to rage within me.


Missing you



Yuhu’s Corner:

It has been a year since I started this blog. Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to write as frequently as I would like to.

I wish to thank everyone who has read even a single post of mine. Thanks a lot for all the wonderful comments and feedback. It has truly been a wonderful journey.

I remember the genre of my writings when I began this blog. I thought I should write this piece as a dedication to what my feelings were at that time.

The Candle

flamePhotograph © Yuhu Tama


Piercing the sheer darkness,

with its burning sword, a candle charges.

The Black now starts to dissolve,

Without tapering the candle’s resolve.


The acceptance that the world is dark,

ignites the candle’s spark.

Although it may die one day,

for many it would’ve shown the way.


A candle’s light is Temporary,

but is it less extraordinary?

With different shades to its flame,

what it reveals is never the same.


I believe such a light glows within you,

regenerating each day into something new.

Fuel your light by sound reasoning and thought,

for it could help another connect many a dot.

small-logo-transparentYuhu Tama

A hopeless case


saltaire-sarah-ann-hall.jpgPHOTO PROMPT © Sarah Ann Hall


“A lot done, already. Hmm… A hopeless case”, thought the shop owner, surveying a potential prey.

Anne, adjusted the weight of her shopping bags as she scanned a vase. “He better love all this”, she thought desperately. She envisaged herself in the new lingerie, the shimmer of the candle light and the fragrance of fresh lilies.

A text message broke her trance.

I’m back. I think we need to talk. Not sure if this is working out. Where are you?

Anne slowly placed the vase on the shelf and turned to leave.

“Like I thought, hopeless”, concluded the shop owner.


Yuhu’s Corner:
This story is a part of the Friday Fictioneers Photo Prompt Flash fiction challenge. Every Friday, a photo prompt is provided by the organizer Rochelle Wisoff-Fields. The participants have to come up with a 100 word story. You can check out the other entries here.


broken_woodPhotograph © Yuhu Tama

I attempt to revive myself,
as I lay beside another.
But, it isn’t your sweet breath, I taste.
It isn’t your voice, I hear,
It isn’t your touch, I feel.
I’m lost in the swirling past,
as I cradle in the arms of another.


Unable to let you go,
I cling to the memories that still remain.
Colored by my desires,
I see embellished dreams,
where you and I walk hand in hand,
where the alien sound of my laughter still echoes.
These scenes from our past flash
through the broken walls within me.


Crushed under the weight of emptiness,
I close my eyes to escape.
I remember your gaze
when you brushed my hair off my face.
I remember being captured
under the softness of your lips.
I remember the moments,
when we talked and laughed,
and the times when silence,
hummed the perfect the melody.


I open my eyes and see myself reflected,
in a pair of eyes that aren’t yours.
I can see what I’ve become,
a mere shell writhing in pain.
I’m lost within the moments I would never live again,
Even as another holds me tight, I crumble,
So once more, I close my eyes to escape.



Yuhu’s Corner:

It’s wonderful to write (even if it is a lousy piece). I hope you’ve all been doing well. This poem is inspired by characters from several movies and especially by the waltz, the character Céline plays for Jesse, in the movie ‘Before Sunset‘.

The Illusion


danny-boweman-1PHOTO PROMPT © Danny Bowman


Lastly, Anne wore the high heel shoes, the ones to be stripped off first. The mirror reflected a girl with blood-red lips and smoky eyes, someone oddly familiar to her.

She blankly stared into her mug as she stirred the milk and coffee. The swirling white milk reminded her of the path to the hillock, behind her home, in the country. Her eyes closed to picture the simpler, happier times.

“Candy! You’re up!”, called a gruff voice.

Anne became Candy, as she walked up to the pole.  Tonight, the stage would be her hillock and the pole, a beautiful tree.



Yuhu’s Corner:
This story is a part of the Friday Fictioneers Photo Prompt Flash fiction challenge. Every Friday, a photo prompt is provided by the organizer Rochelle Wisoff-Fields. The participants have to come up with a 100 word story. You can check out the other entries here.


water_sky_reflectionPhotograph © Yuhu Tama


I see myself in your eyes,

as I pour my innermost self into you.

Your non judging eyes capture me,

keeping me safe, I’m no longer alone.

You illuminate the dark shadows of my past,

like a perfect reflection, you show me who I really am.

There is none other to Elevate me,

 to love me beyond my insanity.

All I need is your light,

to discover the part of me that’s still alive.


Yuhu’s Corner:

This poem is for all those lovely people, who stick with us during sticky times.

How many times have we helped someone get over their tough times?

A bridge to nothing

Photograph © Yuhu Tama


On a broken rock, I breathe alone,

I, now, see a figure on the other shore.

My heart freezes when I find it’s you,

I begin to fluster unknowing what to do.

A glowing bridge forms before me,

As light structures itself into many a crystal bead.

Pounding pulses nudge me to take the first step,

My craving to see you builds, but I wake up instead.

As darkness blinds me, I drench in sweat.

Unable to hold you even in my dreams, I drown in regret.


Yuhu’s Corner:

This week’s theme for the photography challenge is Structure. I just love the patterns and the structures that sunlight creates on the surface of water (be it in a lake or in a bucket full of water). Don’t you?

The pattern of the light in this particular photograph reminds of a road or a path on water, which somehow, to me, looks unreal. Like a path that you can take only in your dreams. Or not even in your dreams, like the poor character in my poem.

Ms. S-S-Stammerson


smallpox-hospital-roger-bultotPHOTO PROMPT © Roger Bulltot


Anne absently caressed the ivy that decorated the walls of the old building. The jeering chants, “Ms. Stammerson”, resounded inside her, turning her deaf to the evening’s silence.

“D-D-D-Don’t cry!”, she told herself.

She closed her eyes and began to hum. Soon, the ivy swayed warmly to her smooth voice.

“Wow! Sanderson!”, she heard someone exclaim. “I didn’t know you could sing!”, said George. “Wanna be the female lead? In… my… band?”

She eyed him suspiciously.

“Listen, my brother stammers too. I… I understand”, he said gently.

The golden sky gleamed. She felt it’d never been this beautiful before.



Yuhu’s Corner:

I have missed participating in the Friday Fictioneers Photo Prompt Flash fiction challenge. Every Friday, a photo prompt is provided by the organizer Rochelle Wisoff-Fields. The participants have to come up with a 100 word story. You can check out the other entries here.

Hold on

clouds_and_streamPhotograph © Yuhu Tama

You walk alone erasing behind all the traces,

I know you wipe clear off all the faces.

Yet I choose to walk  beside you,

even if you let me fade into that grayish hue.


I’m not one of those seasonal streams,

to empty into your withering dreams.

I don’t want to be a cloud smoldering fast,

only to dissolve into your blurry past.


There’ll be no proof of you and me,

if you decide to smother your memory.

But I’m doomed to hold on to mine,

for it to be tarnished with time.


I know where love lies,

within the black pools of your eyes.

Take my hand,  I promise to hold you tight,

just don’t let me fade into that endless night.


Yuhu’s Corner:

Sometimes, I wonder why it is so hard to let go of those who can let go of us so easily!